What’s your HCM POV?


  I think one of the most interesting inputs at the HCI Summit I covered recently was from Gary Hamel emphasising the importance of ideology – knowing what you believe about something in order to be able to support it through the design of your organisation and its processes and practices etc (or alternatively to deliberately not support it if your own ideology is out of alignment with that of your employer!).

I also talked about ideology during my HR 2.0 webinar recently, and am going to use it as a central focus to my Strategic HR session that I’m running today.

So I thought it was interesting to come across an update from Dave Ulrich’s RBL noting the importance of having a leadership point of view (see picture).  This is exactly the point that I’m going to be making – HR leaders in particular need to have a well developed POV / ideology about HR / HCM.  (I’m not so keen on RBL’s ‘brand’ concept.)

I think this POV idea is central to our Dave’s ‘credible activist’ competency, but it goes beyond this too.  It’s about understanding the range of options open to HR practitioners to do HR differently, and designing an HR architecture which is right for a particular organisation, rather than being based on practices which are being used elsewhere (see my post on Dan Pink at the HCI summit if you need a place to start).

Sorry HR, but your best practices normally just aren’t!


I’ll be running more sessions on Strategic HR in the UK later in the year – see here.



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