The Big Rethink: Pinball and employer branding


Pinball_Bumper  One of the ideas discussed at the Big Rethink which I think has relevance for HR, and in which the treatment of employees is analogous to that of customers, is this way of looking at corporate  - or employer – branding:

How people form ideas about brands has changed.  We’ve tended to think of it a bit like ten pin bowling in which if we have enough enthusiasm we can bowl passive consumers over.  But now it’s more like pinball.  An idea owner can put an idea in play but then it bounces around between consumers.  And towards the end, if we’re lucky, we can put the idea back in play for another round.


I think this is a really nice way of looking at this.  I’ve tried to articular my thoughts about employer branding a couple of times on this blog, but I think this metaphor does it much more nicely than I’ve been able to do before!

Thanks for sharing it to Andy Fennell, Chief Marketing Officer at Diageo.


Picture credit: Stéfan Le Dû


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