Symposium Events: Advances in HR Measurements and Analytics
Monday, March 28, 2011 by Franklin Bros
I’ll be talking about my perspectives on measuring HR, using scorecards, and other analytical tools, as well as other perspectives and case studies around this area in these UK training sessions this year:
Advances in HR Measurements and Analytics
11 May 2011 – Manchester
6 July 2011 – Birmingham
5 December 2011 – London
Learn how measures and metrics can be developed to help drive the success of your HR strategy.
Measurement is an increasingly important aspect of HR professional capability. Good measurement can help maximise the effectiveness of HR strategy and operations, and can also help convince business colleagues that HR is managing itself in a business-like way. However, most organisations’ approaches to HR measurement fail to capture the benefits of these opportunities. Research also suggests that this area is one of HR’s weakest capabilities currently.
However, some organisations are learning to do more with their measures. Advances in approaches, tools and technologies, coupled with developing experience in these areas, are allowing organisations to monitor, evaluate and improve the implementation of their HR strategies much more effectively than before.
Attend this seminar to learn how measures and metrics can be developed in a way that helps to drive the success of your HR strategy, your people and the organisation. Learn why an HR strategy map and scorecard provide the most effective framework for developing and managing measurement within your own organisation. And find out how to add value to these measures through the use of various analytical approaches.
Who Should Attend?
- All HR practitioners with an interest in or need to improve their capabilities in measurement
- HR staff responsible for measurement, analytics, benchmarking and reporting
- HR technology staff.
You can sign up for these training sessions here.
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- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
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