A few questions on HR 2.0 (webinar review)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 by Franklin Bros
Well I found delivering that webinar fun. I was a shame that I was challenged by the technology meaning that once again it wasn’t as social (interactive) as I would have liked. Well OK, it wasn’t social at all this time. Basically I had to junk the polling and Q&A etc all together, and just hope that people will email be their questions, which I can respond to here.
The problem was, as I explained, that I’m having meetings in Houston at the moment and had to dash back to my room to start the webinar. And then because the organisation and delivery of webinars is still quite new to me, I ended up faffing about, and decided just to focus on my presentation, just so we could start on time.
Anyway, the good news is that without the socialness, I managed to cover a lot of ground. You can listen to an archive of the webinar here – and I do recommend you do. The content’s good, even if the delivery’s a bit patchy (the presentation starts 1 minute 20 seconds in)! And you can always leave me your questions in the comments to this post below.
I did get a couple of questions over Twitter. Alan noted that his business is nervous and suspicious of social media… thinking it's an excuse to get people away from doing their job, and asked:
“Do you think organisations are geared up for a social workforce...do they think social happens just outside the door?”
Yes, I think that’s still largely true – and particularly in those organisations that are still nervous of social media.
But I do think that’s changing. Organisations are realising their workforces are social (are motivated to connect and bond with each other, and are more productive when they work with people they have pre-existing relationships with). It will take time, but I do think it’s happening.
It’s a similar situation to an extent, to the early days of emotional intelligence, or at least Daniel Goleman’s popularisation of this concept. Goleman used to suggest that people had to leave their emotional identities outside the office – hanging up their intuitive and relationship selves like their coats on a hanger. Now most businesses realise that they benefit if they accept people are emotional beings, and try to influence their emotional effectiveness as well. I think exactly the same thing will happen in terms of social beings and their social effectiveness too.
I’m hoping to get more questions from attendees later and will come back and respond to these here too. And I’m also going to post a link to the slideset I used that will also provide links to my blog posts and other case studies. Look out on Friday or over the weekend (maybe Monday) for all of this.
Picture credit: Öljylautta
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