The next Ulrich?


  John Sumser has finally put me down on his list of top 100 influencers at #73.

This is the list of ‘real-world’ as opposed to ‘online’ influencers, so it’s nice to see “a rekentless travel schedule and the depth and clarity of his thought” having an impact as well as my blog.

It’s a good write-up too although I do have an issue with the final line: “It’s not outrageous to imagine him as the next Ullrich”.

Surely it’s that Ulrich was the previous Ingham?

OK, I’m not totally serious about that.  But I really don’t want to be defined in comparison to him or anyone or anyone else.  For example, my focus on organisation capabilities (including human capital) may be quite similar to Ulrich’s but my belief in the need to create value is fairly unique (at least amongst advisors if not an increasing number of organisations – eg see this case study on creating value at QBE).

I may or may not be right in these views (and actually I’m not sure that this statement really means anything anyway).  But I hope that these views will challenge your own thinking.  Sometimes you may want to implement my ideas.  More often you may just find yourself reflecting on why you’re doing what you are.  And that’s fine too.

If you want an example, have a look at my proposals for career partnership on the MIX.  And I’d appreciate your votes as well!



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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