Introducing Organised Feedback
Monday, December 6, 2010 by Franklin Bros
You’ve hopefully seen my posts on Strategic HCM reviewing the Enterprise 2.0 conference I attended in Santa Clara, California recently.
I’ve also been posting on Social Advantage and you’ll find more posts there on developing social cultures, and selecting social technologies etc.
The point I want to make about social technologies is that buyers need to be really clear about what they’re trying to do with the systems that they buy. Yes, all social technologies do largely the same thing, and an organisation is likely to require any one system to do a number of things, but the right technology can make the difference between success or failure too.
And the same thing applies in HR as well. I’ve covered social recruiting and social learning quite extensively before, but I’d like to introduce one functional area you may not have thought about in social terms before.
This is social feedback. It’s about providing the opportunity for employees to share their views, ideas and thinking – and to build upon the ideas and thoughts of other people too. This type of system can support a variety of HR applications including satisfaction or engagement surveys, and all sorts of consultation processes too (quite topical at the moment given the amount of restructuring underway).
I still believe the future is one which is totally networked – inside organisations as well as between organisations and outside. But this future, if it ever emerges at all, is a long, long way away for most organisations. And until then, most of these are going to want to limit suggestion, consultation and other feedback processes to the issues, people and timescales that they want to cover.
The best system – in fact the only system I know of – which is designed to do this is called OrganisedFeedback. I particularly like the way this system gives organisations the ability to select functionality (ideas, consultation etc) according to their needs. So I’m really pleased to welcome OrganisedFeedback as a sponsor of this blog.
You can find out more about OrganisedFeedback here or contact their Director, Jim Sproat via email: jim [dot] sproat [at] organisedfeedback [dot] com, on Twitter: @jimsproat or by telephone: +44 (0) 845 508 1585.
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- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
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