Reviewing my 2010 predictions


  Stimulated by this post from TLNT, I thought that as well as asking for your help in making some predictions for 2011, I should review those predictions I made (without your help!) at the start of 2010.

These included this video blog suggesting that HR needs more ambition (a point that I still strongly support) and a podcast suggesting that this would be the year that things would start to change (towards a more people centred approach).  Note that I did only suggest ‘start to’ – I didn’t expect to see much progress, but I don’t think I’ve even seen a start, to be frank.

For example, one thing I wrote back then was “Perhaps banks will even change their bonus policies next year!?”  Well in Ireland at least (home of Krishna De, my co-host on the podcast) they have – but not at the bank’s initiation.  And perhaps there will still be a similar change in the UK before the end of the year?

But in general, I’d give my predictions about a 3 out of 10.

I want (us) to do better next year – so if you’re working in HR in an organisation, please help me out – take my survey and let me know what you think the main challenges and opportunities for HR are going to be next year.  If you can get to London next Summer, there’s the potential of a prize in it for you as well.


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