The Social Learning Zone (webinar)


   I so enjoyed that!

Here is the archive:


We didn’t quite expect over150 tweets (and another 80 Citrix Online questions), so sorry we weren’t able to react to as many of these as we expected!

Here is part 1 of all the tweets:

  1. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli  RT @felmundo: The heart -and goal - of community is “collaborating people”, not collaboration tools #ConnectingHR
  2. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    ie @gsiemens' social connectivism? RT @BillBoorman@charlie_elise learning starts at an unconference. Its about connections #trulondon #slz
  3. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
    @BillBoorman Good points! It's been a learning curve ever since! :-) #SLZ
  4. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @charlie_elise I think the learning starts at an unconference. Its about connections rather than big learning points#truLondon #slz
  5. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @joningham i find twitter chats on the # like#blogchat, #jobhuntchat, #truChat (UK) and #TNLLive a great way to learn and connect #slz
  6. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @joningham good job on the webinar Jon. #slz
  7. Barry FurbyBarryFurby 
    Haven't seen that one .. RT @BillBoorman: For an internal social network look at Tribepad from @LisaScales #slz
  8. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    For an internal social network look at Tribepad from @LisaScales #slz
  9. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @joningham over 2000 resources indexed and reviewed by the staff in 4 months. Its all free and used daily #slz
  10. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @joningham We also maintain a learning area where anyone can tag reference to blogs, video, sites and other material.#slz
  11. Bill BoormanBillBoorman 
    @joningham on a simple level we have videod the whole on-boarding process. training by the staff for the staff #slz
  12. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
    @joningham Looked great from here Jon, well done and thanks @trainingzone #slz
  13. Courtenay HRcourtenayhr 
    RT @joningham #ConnectingHR tweet-up link for all#slz participants in & around London: - this Thurs!
  14. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    Here's the #connectinghr tweet-up group link for all#slz participants in and around London: - this Thurs eve
  15. Niall Gavinniallgavinuk 
    #slz: anyone have any experience of using Lotus Quickr to facilitate collaborative learning?
  16. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    It does - through Yammer Share RT @MitshKInteresting. Take a look at integrating Yammer, I believe it integrates with SharePoint #slz
  17. jenniwhellerjenniwheller 
    RT @abisignorelli: #slz With more & more remote working & gen y, social learning is vital & orgs will nd 2 adapt whether they like it or not
  18. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
    Thanks to @joningham - I enjoyed the conversation and all the tweets #slz
  19. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    So many great tweets to #slz - can't really retweet or respond to them all - will blog at Strategic HCM and Training Zone shortly...
  20. Suraj Sodhasurajsodha 
    RT @abisignorelli: #slz Being social is not about tools - it's all about behaviours and human interaction >> totally agree with you :)
  21. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz thanks guys, enjoyed the session
  22. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    Sorry I ran out of time - not very social I know - but we will be following up your questions and tweets #slz
  23. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
    @joningham Good session, thanks! #slz
  24. Michelle KayeMitshK 
    #slz thanks Jon - has been very interesting
  25. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    Will be following up the #slz conversation at Training Zone:
  26. Digital-Economicsdiginomics 
    RT @joningham Social media / learning like marmite!#slz
  27. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz "use the media to learn about the media" great, concise summary
  28. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz @abisignorelli great point, i guess that raises an interesting discussion on resource allocation to programs by companies /...
  29. Ken MoirKenMoir 
    @dhruvdevasher facilitating and supporting the exchanges, maintaining the tools, capturing and codifying technical knowledge, too. #slz
  30. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
    Further links. #slz
  31. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
    @abisignorelli i agree - it has to be a mix and you learn what works best for different groups #slz
  32. Courtenay HRcourtenayhr 
    RT @abisignorelli #slz Being social is not about tools - it's all about behaviours and human interaction #ConnectingHR
  33. Ken MoirKenMoir 
    @abisignorelli it all depends on how the tools are introduced, supported, maintained. #slz
  34. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz Role of L&D: codifying / collecting / disseminating pockets of shared knowledge?
  35. Callum Saunders callumsaunders 
    Amen: RT @abisignorelli #slz Being social is not about tools - it's all about behaviours and human interaction#ConnectingHR
  36. Alana InnessAlanaInness 
    Will we lose skills required for face2face interaction (e.g. negotiation, differences resolutions, etc) with more reliance on 2.0 tools #slz
  37. kategraham23kategraham23 
    Are chatrooms passe compare with newer social learning tools? #slz
  38. Michelle KayeMitshK 
    @dhruvdevasher #slz showing ppl that it's useful and easy to use should help with cynical thoughts
  39. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
    @dhruvdevasher I think it's important to have a blend of social and non social approaches so people have a choice#slz
  40. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
    #slz - the medium is here to stay and will develop E=MC2
  41. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
    #slz Being social is not about tools - it's all about behaviours and human interaction
  42. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
    Like this quote from Dave Weinberger, which explains the 'why' of social learning: 'Knowledge isn't in our heads, it is between us' #slz
  43. Fitzroy Executivefitzroyexec 
    RT @abisignorelli #slz With more remote working AND gen y coming through, social learning is vital & orgs will nd 2 adapt#ConnectingHR
  44. Stopgapstopgap 
    RT @abisignorelli #slz With more remote working AND gen y coming through, social learning is vital & orgs will nd 2 adapt#ConnectingHR
  45. Callum Saunders callumsaunders 
    RT @abisignorelli #slz With more remote working AND gen y coming through, social learning is vital & orgs will nd 2 adapt #ConnectingHR
  46. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz how do you encourage employees to engage with social learning if they're cynical / skeptical of it?
  47. Michelle KayeMitshK 
    @abisignorelli #slz agree - it's going to be the std in the future.
  48. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
    @kenmoir you have to tailor the tools to the groups involved - they will tell you what works for them #slz
  49. Tony Bhambrabhambra 
    @joningham you make some great points Jon #slz
  50. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
    @joningham we use internal blogs, wikis and yammer plus face to face #slz
  51. Gautam GhoshGautamGhosh 
    @joningham also check the embedded slideshow in this post #slz
  52. Alana InnessAlanaInness 
    @MitshK we use but many find it tricky to use and format so have had difficulties embedding. Think it can be great searchable tool #slz
  53. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
    @kenmoir yes, I think so - better out than in no? #slz
  54. Jon Inghamjoningham 
    Thanks for everyones tweets on social learning - please keep them coming! I am reading them and trying to react even if not reading all #slz
  55. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
    #slz relating to something that @kenmoirmentioned , should an org exert control to prevent 'loose cannons' and does that hurt the platform?
  56. Ken MoirKenMoir 
    Is free & open sharing a realistic expectation of real, emotional humans interacting in stressful/competitive environments? #slz
  57. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
    #slz How can we use it? Create social spaces in every office where ppl can socialise and learn using offline and online methods-& it's fun!
  58. Michelle KayeMitshK 
    @IshmaelBurdeau #slz both - all need to take part.

Responses shortly…



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