Social learning training


   I’ve recently published on opportunities for training / learning in social recruiting and thought I’d do the same for social learning. 

There don’t seem to be the same number of courses and workshops in this area though.  Perhaps because those people involved in informal learning realise the learning can be facilitated in a more informal and social way! 

But there’s the Learning Technologies / Learning & Skills Group conference I presented at a few years back and which is on next week.  And there’s a learning unconference, Learning Camp, coming up soon.

Also, here are some key blog’s to follow:


And there’s plenty more on Slideshare, Youtube etc - use the media to learn the media!


In addition, I’m going to be presenting a webinar on social learning for HR and Training Zone on 22 June.  Sign up here!

Finally, just to note that all my blog posts on social learning are available here.



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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