The Social Learning Zone (webinar) part 2


Here’s the archive of the webinar:

Here are the remaining tweets:


  1. Thomas Ottervendorprisey  @joningham like the marmite metaphor. I will steal that

  • Arié Moyal
    amoyal  @joningham Peer to peer coaching/training, wikis..

  • Dan Martin
    Dan_Martin  RT @charlie_elise #ConnectingHR @joninghamtalking 'what social learning is & why it's more than you think' LIVE NOW:
    1. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      @abisignorelli #slz wikis only good if ppl join in.
    2. kategraham23kategraham23 
      When talking social lg in your org, don't sell social media - it's now how people learn that matters but if they learn - @joningham #slz
    3. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @joningham I actually think wikis are V social - collaborating 2 define something - & a great example of using social learning in orgs #slz
    4. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz plan to add social learning in company with new version of intranet.
    5. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
      #slz great example of social learning: Hole in the Wall project experiment in India
    6. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      @joningham #slz should mean better learning for ppl and better skills for company.
    7. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      How to address audience expectations of a "sage on a stage?" Upending the passive content intake model can generate active resistance. #slz
    8. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      @0neLife #slz ppl are scared of change and new things
    9. Courtenay HRcourtenayhr 
      Possible topic for Thursday's #ConnectingHR? >> RT @joningham What does social learning mean for the HR and L&D functions? #slz
    10. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      RT @IshmaelBurdeau: Poll results on #slz tools. #hr
    11. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @AlanaInness yes of course, but they need time to learn right? #slz
    12. Jon Inghamjoningham 
      What does social learning mean for the HR and L&D functions? #slz
    13. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @alanainness create places and times where they can access machines. This is important and can drive business success! #slz
    14. nicolastrongnicolastrong 
      #slz There is no sound
    15. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - so much power with social media and with the £ crisis, you wonder why more people are not using it to deliver training.
    16. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @kenmoir indeed but that fear stops orgs doing this - need to build trust and more open businesses to enable social learning #slz
    17. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
      @abisignorelli Good point, we need to learn from all the generations #SLZ
    18. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      @abisignorelli #slz I've seen that - can work well, if it is set aside for them.
    19. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
      @joningham Because it's how we learn best sometimes, from others. As children we question our parents, as adults we question each other #SLZ
    20. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
      Poll results on #slz tools.
    21. Niall Gavinniallgavinuk 
      #slz: Using for my own learning - not deployed organisationally as yet
    22. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @alanainness how about setting up internet cafes - shareable pcs set up as a social learning zone? #slz
    23. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
      #slz Importance of social learning: extracting tacit knowledge from staff who may not realize that they possess it
    24. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      Important to distinguish "social learning" from "online social learning" - former is natural & timeless, latter is web-dependent. #slz
    25. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
      @AlanaInness A lot can be done with mobile devices, e.g. iPod, mobile. #slz
    26. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @joningham It's vitally important: esp with gen y joining the ranks. That's all they know and they expect that approach #slz
    27. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz podcast - finding time to listen is a problem for me
    28. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @dhruvdevasher i guess it becomes social when you allow comments and start the dialogue there #slz
    29. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @joningham because that is how we learn best - finding out/being shown at point of need #slz tools enable this to happen more easily #slz
    30. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      @martincouzins lack of trust is a universal obstacle to social media use; in fairness, the odd loose cannon can do *massive* damage. #slz
    31. Alana InnessAlanaInness 
      #slz how do we get round the challenge of staff who don't have internet access in their work place - e.g. bank cashiers, call centres?.
    32. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz social learn is a natural learning method - questions etc
    33. Dhruv Devasherdhruvdevasher 
      #slz It would be interesting to examine whether a video podcat (as an example) is a one way conversation or a multiple voice dialogue
    34. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
      However I am sure that the Brits will catch up soon, they always do! #slz
    35. Jon Inghamjoningham 
      Why is social learning important? Is it??? #slz
    36. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
      No surprise to hear that the UK is lagging behind the US in social learning. #slz
    37. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz ppl need to want to learn to make social learn work well
    38. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @MitshK corporate firewalls and trusting employees are big issues here! #slz
    39. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz how do you get round companies block on game/virtual world?
    40. Debbie McNamaramacabroad 
      #slz - Can't be on the webinar but getting lots of good information from the feeds! Isn't that walking the talk?
    41. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @0neLife selelct the tools that all participants can use - think about how the content can be captured too #slz
    42. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @0neLife isn't that why there's a hashtag, ie people can see what others are saying through following #slz?
    43. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      Anyone have experience with "behind the firewall"-style, internal social networks? #slz
    44. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
      #ConnectingHR @joningham is talking about 'what social learning is & why it's more than you think' LIVE RIGHT NOW: #slz
    45. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
      @joningham I'm going to say 'learning by accident': I learned a lot at #truLondon and other events just by meeting others #slz
    46. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      Ironic cannot login to a webinar about how social media tools can enable learning - technology as barrier a key problem #slz
    47. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      One difficulty with video, however: bandwidth is cheap, but not free; widespread, but not universal. #slz
    48. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz web conf useful when in diff locations - hard in 1 office
    49. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - ok so how do the participants share? What about a live Twitter feed next time?
    50. Charlie Elise Duffcharlie_elise 
      @martincouzins I'm having that problem too. #SLZ
    51. John Igoejohnigoeuk 
      Social learning is enabling interactive experiences and shifting the power of learning into the learners hands. #slz
    52. Martin Couzinsmartincouzins 
      @nicolastrong a long as learners can share and collaborate cuts costs too - eg practising medical procedures #slz
    53. Sue BeavilSuebeavil 
    54. Tony Bhambrabhambra 
      #slz not very easy to identify emotions in Virtual Worlds
    55. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      "If you get lots of tweets about people having coffee, you're probably following the wrong people" - @joningham. True!#slz
    56. Andrew Watkinsfollowwatkins 
      Listening to John Inghams webinar - social learning for business success @ #slz - this is an example... :-)
    57. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - what about Foursquare and Gowalla? Greater integration is inevitable (Facebook seem to going down that road).
    58. Blake Heneganblakehenegan 
      I'm having a coffee #slz haha
    59. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @joningham Are you going to be talking about the impact gen y will have on social learning ie that's all they know?#slz #ConnectingHR
    60. MervynDinnenMervynDinnen 
      RT @courtenayhr: #ConnectingHR @joningham is talking about 'what social learning' LIVE RIGHT NOW: #slz
    61. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - Google Reader is for me the best way of sharing; getting bigger everyday.
    62. nicolastrongnicolastrong 
      #slz do you think virtual worlds are a practical environment for social learning?
    63. Courtenay HRcourtenayhr 
      #ConnectingHR @joningham is talking about 'what social learning is & why it's more than you think' LIVE RIGHT NOW: #slz
    64. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - "Not monologue but dialogue." (@BrianSolis)
    65. JKeithDunbarJKeithDunbar 
      @joningham The merging of individual knowledge and skill into a holistic body of knowledge in real or near-real time...#slz
    66. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - sounds a bit like Unmarketing Grt site.The language is imp. Need to stay grounded as much as poss.
    67. Ishmael BurdeauIshmaelBurdeau 
      Attending a webinar by Jon Ingham on social learning. Follow the conversation at #slz
    68. Tony Bhambrabhambra 
      #slz great start to the session
    69. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      Formal training's easier to administer, control and measure: that's why #HR likes it! #slz
    70. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      @joningham I'd say social learning is all about collaboration, building on learning from each other #slz
    71. Alana InnessAlanaInness 
      #slz webinar on social learning with @joninghamFirst question: How would you define social learning?
    72. nicolastrongnicolastrong 
      #slz How many education establishments use social learning as part of their programmes?
    73. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - check out the article on convince and convert blog ref Theresa's question; just responded.
    74. kategraham23kategraham23 
      @niallgavinuk Gotcha Niall! #slz
    75. Abi Signorelliabisignorelli 
      Am listening to @joningham on the #slz webinar on social learning. 1st q - how would you define social learning?
    76. Ken MoirKenMoir 
      Social learning's vital because that's how we naturally acquire knowledge (e.g., during breaks @ conferences). #slz
    77. Michelle KayeMitshK 
      #slz Social learning = learning from others
    78. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - Jon Ingham speaking; Q/A session. Don't we need to consider what the strategy is before just worrying about the tools?
    79. Jon Inghamjoningham 
      How would you define social learning? Any good experiences to share? #slz
    80. kategraham23kategraham23 
      Listening to @joningham on the @TrainingZonewebinar on social learning #slz
    81. Niall Gavinniallgavinuk 
      #slz: never used this before - do you receive this?
    82. Julian Summerhayes0neLife 
      #slz - just started a great Webinar ref Social Media and Learning
    83. Craig TaylorCraigTaylor74 
      @joningham #slz. I'm here Jon. Looking & sounding good!

     Responses shortly…



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