CedarCrestone 2010 HR Systems Survey


   I’d like to invite my contacts and readers of Strategic HCM to participate in Lexy Martin’s / CedarCrestone’s 2010 HR Systems Survey.

This is the 13th year of the survey, and although global in focus, it has previously tended to focus mainly on the US.  Lexy and I are hoping to involve more participants from the UK and Europe this year (participants should be from HR and IT management with knowledge of planned / existing HR technologies and from organisations in any sector but with over 500 employees).

The survey is a comprehensive research effort designed to provide organisations with important data to plan, justify, benchmark, and execute HR technologies. 

Questions cover:

  • Application adoption
  • HR software acquisition and deployment trends
  • "Going global" trends
  • The value of HR technologies.


All responses are anonymous and will be kept confidential. Information will only be used in the aggregate. The survey questionnaire is available online at www.CedarCrestone.com/hrssv86 and is open until 5 July, 2010.

The first 100 respondents completing the survey will receive a $5 Starbucks card (you may have to fly to the US to use it though?). Other incentives are outlined below*.

All respondents will receive an advance copy of the results in late September 2010. In addition, Lexy and I are planning a special webinar of results focusing on the European audience.

We appreciate your contribution to the most comprehensive collection of data focused on HR technologies usage and overall HR service delivery.

Alexia Martin
Director, Research and Analytics


Jon Ingham
Executive Consultant
Strategic HCM


CedarCrestone offers a special discount for survey participants that complete all sections: $500 off the regular registration price for the 2010 HR Technology® Conference of $1,695 which can be used by any employees of the company completing the survey. When you return your completed survey, we will send you a discount code to apply to the Conference fee. We will also enter each company completing a survey in a drawing to win a free benchmark project from CedarCrestone worth $10,000 (benchmark project award is subject to all laws, void where prohibited or restricted, limited in scope as defined by CedarCrestone, and has no cash value).


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  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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