HR Directors Summit and Unconferences

   Is it really September already?  Time to get sorting out those Christmas cards and planning my New Year resolutions then!

Perhaps not!  But one event I am already looking forward to in the New Year is the HR Director’s Business Summit in Birmingham.  This is partly because of the usual stellar line-up of speakers including Ed Lawler (one of the co-authors, along with me, of ‘Integrated Talent Management’) on one of his rare trips to the UK.
And partly because I’m going to be helping WTG with an unconference.  We’re going to be running four un-sessions in tandem with the main conference and have an un-plenary at the end of the main conference to share and further discuss all of our reflections and ideas.
Should be really neat!

(If you can’t wait till then, ConnectingHR’s next unconference will be on Thursday 20th October – details going up at in the next few days.)
I’ll also be attending, and blogging from, HRevolution being held in Las Vegas Just before HR Tech.

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  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
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