How to develop an HR Scorecard
Saturday, September 17, 2011 by Franklin Bros
I’m just back from an HR measurement workshop in Barcelona. In this session, I explained to participants how to measure their HR and management strategies through an HR scorecard. I also warned them that my version of the scorecard is substantially different, and a lot more useful, than some of the other formats they may encounter.
However, in these workshops, I always find that I run out of time to explain why I don’t like these other formats, and why participants should avoid using these in their organisations. So I thought I’d upload these slides in slideshare and my workshop participants, and you, can now find these here.
Actually there are other types of scorecard too eg one of the participants’ scorecards involved a split between project management and service delivery. I thought this was interesting as this is exactly the split I made when I introduced scorecards as an HR Director at Ernst & Young. Our perspectives were:
- Project management (of ongoing projects eg performance / salary reviews)
- Project management (of development projects – requiring additional scoping)
- Service delivery
- Relationship management
These perspectives aren’t based on a strategy map which is what I suggest organisations need to use, so they don’t provide the sort of benefits my framework does, but at least they don’t do any harm – which is exactly what the other sorts of scorecard I discuss in the Slideshare presentation can do!
(The need to think about the distinction between these four forms of activity is one of the things I still always emphasise in my HR business partner training as well.)
Note: for further information on how you use the HR scorecard format I recommend, contact me to run a measurement workshop for you own in-house team!
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