Unconferencing at Conferences
Monday, February 21, 2011 by Franklin Bros
I hope you enjoyed my notes on TRU London last week. If you did, you really should think about joining us at our second Connecting HR unconference in London on 5th May.
The only limitation of these events to me is that we’re largely focusing on people using social media. Not that the agendas are overly social in focus, but our promotion tends to be mainly (not totally) through the use of blogs and twitter etc.
There’s some logic – as well as efficiency – in this. The people who appreciate the social learning context of an unconference will generally appreciate the same thing from social media. So there is some degree of overlap between the people who use social media and those who will most naturally appreciate an unconference.
But at the current stage of adoption, the use of social media as our main promotional tool means most HR and Recruiting people simply don’t get to hear about what we’re doing. Many of whom would, I’m sure, value the unconference experience.
So I’m really pleased that after our hugely successful tweet-up this year, next year’s HR Directors Business Summit is going to include an unconference stream. Take a look at the developing programme, and I’ll provide more details towards the end of this year.
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