More Social? – HR Directors Business Summit


  But of course what made the Summit as amazing as it was the inputs by yours truly.  (Well, they made it amazing for me!).

First up: the Summit (henceforth known as #hrevent)’s first tweet-up / twitter 101 class.  Running this together with Charlie Elise (@charlie_elise) from HR Zone, we expected about five people.  So it came as a bit of a shock to have what must have been close to one hundred.  This meant we didn’t manage to get everyone on twitter as we’d planned and which had consequences later on…

Then I co-presented a session on HR 2.0 with Matthew Hanwell (@matthew_hanwell) from Nokia.  If you want to know what this was about, register for my webinar on 15th March!

The session worked really well, and deserves its recognition as the conference’s best.  Shame though that, despite the tweet-up, so few people were tweeting still – meaning that our backchannel display wasn’t quite as engaging as I’d hoped.

There were other sessions on social media too – including one on social recruiting with James Purvis from CERN (@cern_jobs).  But I disagree with Richard Mosley in his uninspiring session on ‘employer branding 2.0’ that social media was everywhere this year.  It got some attention but deserves much more.  And social approaches (which were really the focus of mine and Matthew’s presentation) deserve more attention still.

Hopefully this will come through in 2012 through more speaker presentations, more tweeting, and more displays of twitter backchannels too.



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