Back in the Gulf: Qatar HR


  I’ve still got to do a few more updates from my last couple of weeks unblogging.  But I also wanted to reflect on my shortish visit to Doha, which I’m leaving today.

Other than a couple of recent trips to Egypt, where I wouldn’t want to be right now, it’s been my first time back in this neck of the woods for some time – basically since pre-recession when my earlier consulting work, and plans to move to Dubai, dried up.

And I have to say it’s good to be back.  To an extend this links to my earlier comments that there is new in HR.  And here, they’re doing it!  Despite the bust, the rulers in this area of the world remain highly ambitious, and this ambition translates itself through into business, and into HR.

It’s refreshing to say the least, and I wish we saw more of it back home.

Can we have some of the weather here while we’re about it?


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