The International HR Carnival


I’m in the US at the moment, attending and presenting at a couple of conferences, including on International HR at Ohio SHRM 2010 on Friday.  Then, when I get back to the UK, I’m straight off to Egypt.  So the international aspects of HR and Human Capital management are at the front of my mind  – and I thought would provide an interesting focus for this edition of the HR carnival too.

So, we’ve got a few new bloggers in this carnival, and a few posts about international HR issues too.  Let’s get stuck in:



Gautam Ghosh has Thoughts on the future of Human Resources.

Prasad Kurian (Simplicity at the other side of complexity) posts on Renewable resources for thought leadership in HR.

Tanmay Vora provides 5 Pointers For Effectively Dealing With Negative Feedback.



Frank Mullivan puts himself in Other People’s Shoes.



Grant Mason posts on If I could change one thing about HR... as a guest post on XpertHR.



Nicholas J Peters suggests Acting on employee preferences during a reorganization.



Laura Schroeder (Working Girl) pities Poor Working Moms (including a mention of German maternity leave).

Thomas Otter comments on international shipping in On verticals and HR technology.



Graham Salisbury (HR Case Studies) asks Where have all the (British) heroes gone? (not the US, surely?).

Gareth Jones (Inside My Head) commands us to Collaborate or die….

Bill Boorman at the Recruiting Unblog wants us to Take a look at the Twintettes.

And to make sure we do, he’s also submitted The Twintettes’ A Sound Investment?.



Elaine Cohen also has a guest post on XpertHR: If I could change one thing about HR.…



Samara Irume (a Brazilian based in Boston writing in Portuguese) posts at her blog e-continuus (with a wonderful meez!): Conflitos Eticos no Ambiente de Trabalho.  Google provides an English translation at

Rob Brouwer at posts on When Want Ads Won’t Do: Solving Brazil’s Talent Crisis.



Dan Pontefract (TrainingWreck) asks IT & HR: Should They Merge?

Holly Macdonald (Fireside HR) suggests Employment is a master-servant relationship.



Lois Melbourne provides some Lessons in Organizational Design from Around the World.

Jason Seiden (Fail Spectacularly) looks at Martina Navratilova and Failure.  He explains “While I can't change my nationality in support of this month's international theme, I can highlight a quote from an internationally  acclaimed athlete. Martina Navratilova is a true champion, from a time  when the only way to become famous as an athlete was to be the best...  and this is what she has to say about the secret of her success.”

Mark Vickers (TrendWatcher) suggests High Performers Purge the Unproductive.

Mary Jo Asmus suggests we should Let Them See You as Human.

Melissa Prusher notes that What Comes ‘Round, Goes ‘Round.

Wally Bock (Three Star Leadership) posts on Motivation Made Simple.

Trish McFarlane (HR Ringleader) provides Present Your Best Ideas Today To An Eager and Welcoming Audience.

Paul Smith (Welcome To The Occupation) argues Diversity Has Many Avenues.

Dan McCarthy (Great Leadership) rants on avoiding senseless reorganisations. And thanks Dan for noting that “While it's not international, note that I at least spelled reorganisations properly in this email. (-:” ! : Reorganizations: Don’t Just Shake up the Bird Cage.

Drew Tarvin (Humor that Works) links Mentos and Mentors.

Naomi Bloom (In Full Bloom) links Choices, Compromises, Serendipity and Sh#t!

Ravi Banda (Talented Apps) looks at Feedback process and the timing.

Kevin W. Grossman looks at The ROI of going for it on 4th down with 2 yards to go.

Jennifer V. Miller (The People Equation) writes on Using Toys for Childlike Learning.

Ben Eubanks (UpstartHR) notes that 70% of employers perform social search on candidates.

Shauna Moerke (the HR Minion) says My job is not to get out of your way.

And finally, Mark Stelzner writes on The Conference Economy.



There you go.

I’ve not managed to get quite so many ‘international’ blogs (I’m thinking particularly of non-US and UK) as I’d have liked.

So thanks in particular to Michael Carty for providing some posts from XpertHR’s series of guest posts, “If I could change one thing about HR...” (including other US bloggers J Keith Dunbar, Paul Smith, Stefanie Fontanez and Charlie Judy as well as UK based bloggers like Grumpy Lecturer (see the full list so far here).

If anyone working outside the US and UK wants to add their posts to this, I’ll republish the carnival including these other submissions at the end of the month.


Also see my previous carnivals:



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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