More social recruiting: Onrec


DSCN2763   I thought the conversation in Seattle had advanced a long way from the first Social Recruiting Summit at the Googleplex last year (although it was interesting that one of the feedback points at the end of the conference was that we hadn’t spent that long talking about relationships – my criticism of the original conference.)

So I was a little disappointed moving onto Chicago for onrec on Wednesday, as I didn’t feel the wider conversation, outside of that small group of evangelists in Seattle, had moved on that much (for example, since I spoke at Kennedy Information’s event – which I guess was a predecessor to onrec? – in 2008).

Few of the attendees seemed to have much understanding – and fewer still much experience – of using social media to support recruitment.  This state of play was reflected in some of the presentations too – particularly Shally Sheckerl’s findings that 62% of respondents’ companies have no policy around social recruiting.

Despite these thoughts about social recruiting, I thought the conference itself, including the speaker presentations, were still very good – I was particularly impressed by those from Kristin Graham from Expedia and Jason Warner from Intellectual Ventures (and previously at Google and Starbucks).

I was also impressed by the size and quality of the exhibition – and the amount of schwag (which I see as a very positive indicator about the state of the US economy).

I might have to see if I can fit in the UK’s onrec conference next month too…



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