E and HR 2.0 technologies
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 by Franklin Bros
I posted recently to say how pleased I was to see HR getting a stream of its own at this November’s Enterprise 2.0 conference.
Oliver Marks, who’ll be chairing the stream, has been interviewing Bill Kutik, host of next month’s HR Technology conference, which I’ve also posted on recently, about HR, technology and collaboration.
This is a response to that interview and I’m writing it because, although I think Bill makes some good points as usual, the interview misses a big slice of the agenda too.
Yes, there are lots of HR people who work in compliance roles. And Bill may even be right in suggesting that this is the main remit of the function. But there are plenty more who do have human capital / business strategy and competitive advantage as their focus. And maybe Bill doesn’t see much of these people because they’ve not been a core target for HR technology until now?
In the slides above (taken from the HCI/ Taleo webcast I did this summer), I identify three types or levels of HR technology usage.
- Level 1 (base camp) is about the system of record – providing basic (albeit absolutely vital) information to the HR function. This is Bill’s compliance piece.
- Level 2 (climbing up the mountain) is about information for management decision making. It’s for managers not just HR. And it’s focused on effectiveness not just efficiency. It relates to the talent management suites that Bill was talking about.
- Level 3 (the summit) is about enabling people to do their jobs better – not just providing information on how they can do this. It’s for employees not just their line managers. And it’s focused on efficacy not just effectiveness.
I don’t think Bill talked about this last level, but to me, it’s this which is the key opportunity arising from the intersection of E 2.0 tools and HR practices. And it’s the first type of technology that I think strategic human capital practitioners can get truly excited about.
The intersection is an important one, and it’s probably Bill’s HR Technology conference and Oliver’s HR Technologies stream which are best placed to help HR practitioners explore the opportunities that exist there.
Tammy Erickson’s slot at Bill’s conference should be particularly interesting. But I’m not sure even this session captures the full opportunity effectively – the issue’s not just about developing culture to use the tools. It’s using the tools (and other things) to develop the culture.
I hope to be talking about this in Santa Clara, and Bill: I still think it will be worth revisiting this again next year.
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