HR Blog Carnivals to read–and enter


Pre CHRU blog post  With CHRU just days away, we’re hosting a special pre-unconference blog carnival at  Do take a look.


The next HR carnival will be held at Upstart HR on May 18th and will be all about HRevolution.  Which of my posts from there do you think I should submit?


Then on May 25th, I’ll be hosting the next regular carnival here.  I did think about making this one all about CHRU, but since we have a smaller number of people attending this event than at HRevolution (though a bigger attendance in proportion to the size of our countries) and given that most people who normally participate in the carnivals are from the US, I don’t think that would work. 

But both events are ultimately about connection and I thought it’d be fun to focus on this.  So I’m going to be looking for blogs about or at least mentioning other bloggers (not the author of the post!) for my carnival.

If you want to submit a post you can do so by emailing me at info [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com.



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  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com



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