CHRU - 2


Today was the second time we’ve run CHRU, Connecting HR’s Unconference.

Unlike last time, when I did a fair amount of the design, all of the shopping and most of the delivery, this time I chose to focus on participation, which made it a very different, but just as enjoyable, experience.



This was partly because I wanted to focus on the social connecting that the unconference is designed to be about.  And also because Connecting HR is designed to be a community, not just a series of events, and it won’t be that as long as these remain a Gareth and Jon show.


I’ll post more shortly, but will note that one of the things I really liked about it was our artist, Tim Caswell’s summary of the aura we’d created in the room:



I certainly felt it there.


Thanks so much to everyone who attended the event.  I love y’all:

  • Charlie Duff, Editor,
    Twitter handle: charlie_elise
  • Ella Overshott, Fucntion Leader, CFS
  • Sara Wyke, HR Generalist, Looking for ...
    Twitter handle: @TeenyTinyBean
  • Ailsa Suttie, Group HR Director, The Panther Group
    Twitter handle: Ailsa Suttie
  • charlotte glynn, Head of People , JustGiving
  • Hilary Jeanes, Director, PurpleLine Consulting Limited
  • Andrea Martin, OH Manager, Health In Action
  • Sukhvinder Pabial, L&D Business Partner, LBi Ltd
    Twitter handle: @naturalgrump
  • Klothilde Ganzer, HR Consultant, Goodwille Ltd
    Twitter handle: @kganzer
  • Patsy Mills, HR Adviser, Wellcome Trust
  • Michael Silverman, Director, Silverman Research
    Twitter handle: mikepinions
  • Lynne Donaldson, Associate Consultant, LINK Associates International
    Twitter handle: lindonaldson
  • Will Cleare, HR Business Partner,
    Twitter handle: willcleare
  • Alexandra Protts, Team Leader, NPIA
  • Gavin Jones, Head of Immigration, Blake Lapthorn
    Twitter handle: #gpjoneslaw
  • Cathy Webster, Head of HR, GSM Association
  • Anthony Allinson, Head of Operations, Thomson Reuters (GRC)
    Twitter handle: @allinsona
  • Sara Gilmore, Conference Manager, CIPD Enterprises Ltd
  • Holly St Clair Moor, Conference Research Excutive, CIPD Enterprises Ltd
  • Alison Chisnell, Group HR Director, Informa Business Information
  • Steve Bridger, Builder of Bridges / Digital Communities Manager, Consultant / CIPD
    Twitter handle: stevebridger
  • Katie Davis, HR Advisor, WhiteConcierge
    Twitter handle: HRHopeful
  • Beth Mayes, Writer, HKB Social
    Twitter handle: @kbmayes
  • Claire Walsh, Partner, Learning Consultancy Partnership
    Twitter handle: clairewalshlcp
  • Flora Marriott, Learning & Development Manager, Yell Adworks
    Twitter handle: @FloraMarriott
  • Jonathan Wilson, Consultant, Humap UK
  • Helen Goss, Partner, Boyes Turner
    Twitter handle:




  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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