Why I’m attending #HREvolution


  I’m off to Atlanta on Friday to attend the US HR community’s HRevolution unconference.

Reflecting on it, I’ve come up with these ten reasons why I’m going:

1.   I may not have succeeded in moving out of the UK as yet but I really don’t want to be around for the royal wedding next Friday.  Half-way over the Atlantic seems as good as place as anywhere to ensure I don’t accidentally catch any of it.

2.   Though I’m not a fan of the royal family, I’m definitely up for more bank holidays – the opportunity to get to Atlanta and back to the UK without missing any work days is too good an opportunity to miss (presumably part of the draw behind the strong showing from the UK this year, with Mervyn Dinnen, Gareth Jones and Neil Morrison also flying out to attend).

3.   I’ve never been to Atlanta and was disappointed to miss the HCI conference there recently – here’s another chance to visit.

4.   I love and strongly believe in unconferencingin all its forms – and very nearly attended the first HRevolution back in 2009.

5.   It was missing this, and then the second one, which directly led to my role in starting up ConnectingHR (see this comment at the bottom of Trish McFarlane’ blog post from back then) and I’d love to form some of link between the two events.

6.   I enjoy speaking at conferences (and even unconferences) but sometimes it’s great just to sit back, listen to others and join in the conversation – particularly at uconferencees (I’m looking forward to doing this at the next ConnectingHR unconference too).

7.   Beth Carvin and her team at Nobscot have very kindly stepped in with a scholarship taking care of my airfare (I’ve got a blog post coming shortly on Nosbscot’s exit interview and mentoring systems).

8.   It’ll be a great chance to catch up with a few people I’ve met before, including Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane, Michael VanDervort, William Tincup, Steve Browne, Kevin Grossman, John Sumser, Amy Wilson, Lois Melbourne, Jennifer McClure, Joan Ginsberg, Laurie Ruettimann, China Gorman, Matt Charney, Craig Fisher and Jessica Miller-Merrell (not a bad list from someone on the other side of the pond!).

9.   And to meet some people that I feel I know (from their blogs or earlier contacts) for the first time, including Shauna Moerke, Ben Eubanks, Josh Letourneau, Benjamin McCall, Eric Winegardner, Paul Herbert, Suzanne Rumsey, Lisa Rosendahl, Mike Haberman, Michael Krupa, Bryon Abramowitz and others.

10.  And to get to know many other people too!  I can’t mention everyone, but I’m particularly looking forward to meeting Crystal Peterson, Katherine Duffy, Jason Lauritsen, Matt Stollak, Joe Gerstandt, April Downing, Dwane Lay, Tanya Barham, Mary Ellen Slayter, Charlie Judy, Nate DaPore, Paul Smith, Mike Carden and Liz Gottung.  I’ll chat to you all at the weekend!


You can follow the action from HRevolution at http://thehrevolution.org and on Twitter using the hashtag #hrevolution.


I’m back from Atlanta next Monday and have a couple of days in the office, then on Thursday 5th May it’s ConnectingHR’s second unconference too (you can follow the action from this at http://connectinghr.org and on twitter at #chru (c-hr-u, for connecting hr unconference).  What a week!


Logo credits: Charlie


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  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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