And I’ll be talking about the opportunities for using this critical but generally poorly implemented HR / business process area at this other session I’m running for Symposium Events:


Performance Management for Strategic Improvement

If there was one process in HR, or even across the whole of business, that most organisations would agree is broken, it would surely be employee performance management.  Nothing else we do turns both managers and employees off so much or results in so much wasted time (mainly through poor application and ineffectual conversations but often not helped by bureaucratically heavy designs).

Yet it should not be like this.  Employee performance management should be an absolutely critical business process – providing the main mechanism an organisation has for ensuring that work is performed and objectives are achieved effectively.

Attend this workshop to understand how performance management can be ‘enhanced’ (perhaps better phrased as ‘re-engineered’) to have a true and significant impact on business performance.



25 May 2011 – Manchester
21 September 2011 – London
29 November 2011 – Birmingham


You can book here.



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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