HR, Collaboration and Analytics


  The other panel at the Enterprise 2.0 conference, also chaired by Oliver Marks (pictured with me) focused on measures.  We noted that because of the complexity surrounding HR and collaboration, many of the things we wish to measure are intangible.  I suggested that participating in conversation may often be a better way to measure Enterprise 2.0 initiatives than trying to calculate ROI and noted Jay Cross’ comments on Jack Phillips ROI methodology as an example of this difficulty.

However, the ROI of incorporating social tools within HR may be intangible but it’s also, in Joshn Bersin’s words, ‘really big’.  We talked about some social learning and social recruiting examples of this.


Some of the tweets:

joningham: With Richard Chong NetApp @cameranh @josh_bersin @olivermarks on HR measurement #e2conf #e2conf-8 #cipd10

mikegotta: @dahowlett I don't think we have the right metrics for assessing the value of better relationships, better sharing, better cultures #e2conf

jonhusband: @josh_bersin says the ROI is intangible, but really really big (of e2.0 tools) #e2conf (via @gordonr)

SameerPatel: #e2conf #HR 'within a year NetApp got $2 million back in cost savings from their Saba enabled program" #e20

tdoyon: Kudos being incorporated into performance management but get culture right first and the use data #e2conf

jholston: social ROI: reduces time-to-relationship #e2conf


Picture credit: Alex Dunne (me and Oliver Marks)


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