Catch-up with Workday


  I’ve had a couple of interesting conversations about developments in HR technologies recently.

For example, at one of the panels at Enterprise 2.0, I was asked about to what extent HR systems limit HR’s ability to rise above compliance activities.  I suggested that this was largely an echo of the past – that technology shouldn’t be a a barrier to performance as it was maybe just ten years ago.

And then last week in Amsterdam, one of the other speakers suggested new technologies are forming one of the key new inputs in the outsourcing sector.  And in the Connecting HR twitter chat later that day, when the conversation moved on to the inability of HR technology to inform broader transformation, I referred to some examples where I thought it was having this sort of impact.

Lastly, I’m working with a client which is thinking about making some major investments in technology during the new year.  And I’ve been helping them think through some options for this.

All of these conversations have included a reference to Workday.  So I was pleased on Friday to have a call with some of their staff (following my recent attendance at Workday Rising) to discuss the recently released version 12.  And I was even more pleased to see that the updates to the system support the points I’ve been making.

Firstly, there are some great features under talent management – see for example what Steve Boese (who was also on the call) has posted about their faceted search.  And I also like the various ways that the system allow businesses to analyse work, and to link talent to work.

There’s so much here that for most businesses, there’s going to be more opportunity here than they currently allow their people.  The issue is no longer just about technology catching up with business needs.  It’s also increasingly going to be about businesses given the freedom to their people to take advantage of the technology.

There are going to be some exciting times ahead.



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  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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