HCI Recasts


   You can catch my recent HCI webcast again on Friday (30 July), or Monday or Tuesday next week (2-3 August).

(HCI executive members can view at any time).


Telling the European Employer Brand Story

Track: Talent Strategy in Europe
WEBCAST: Webcast Aired: Friday 25 June

We often hear about the need to continually attract, motivate and retain our employees. Many of us tie these issues to our employee brand and continually strive to become an employer of choice. But are we missing out on opportunities to utilize technology to improve our brand and solidify our place in the global market? Technologies that are already being utilized by your company can assist you in maintaining brand integrity and driving employee engagement.

This webcast will look at multiple technology platform that can work with your existing brand-- and provide big results at a small investment level. We'll look at corporate social networking as a tool to create "employee ambassadors" and see how creating relationship brands and leveraging the social web can promote grass roots brand engagement. We'll also examine best practices from companies who have leveraged their technology systems-- and find out what pitfalls to avoid.




Friday, Jul 30 2010 12:00pm EDT

Monday, Aug 02 2010 4:00pm EDT

Monday, Aug 02 2010 8:00pm EDT

Tuesday, Aug 03 2010 12:00am EDT

Tuesday, Aug 03 2010 4:00am EDT

Tuesday, Aug 03 2010 8:00am EDT





  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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