You already know my Talking HR show, in which I and my co-host Krishna De talk about HR, right?

Well today, I begin a new series of shows, deliberately titled HR Talks Back.  The idea of this is to give HR leaders, located anywhere in the world, the opportunity to talk about something that’s important to them.

We kick off the series with an interview with Genevieve Glover, Executive Director, HR for AEG Europe in which Genevieve talks about developing a one team (‘one tent’) focus.  The show broadcasts at 12.00pm BST on Thursday 8 June and an archive will be available after this time.


The show also gives you the opportunity to talk the Genevieve and ask her questions about this one team approach.  The number if you’d like to do this is +1 917 932 1997.


Some background

AEG, with its international head office in Los Angeles, is one of the leading sports and entertainment presenters in the world. It owns or operates some of the world’s best arenas and theatres, numerous sports franchises and a collection of companies dedicated to producing, promoting and presenting world-class live entertainment.

Genevieve is responsible for the development and deployment of the HR and Training strategies for the various businesses within the European Group. This includes The O2, the world’s most popular music venue for the last 3 years, and also incorporates businesses within the exhibition, family entertainment and transport sectors. Genevieve is also Chairman of Thames Clippers, the commuter boat service along the Thames and majority owned AEG business.

Genevieve is a Non Executive Director for London Excellence, a not for profit organisation who’s vision is "all organisations in London and beyond will be recognised as performing to world-class excellence standards" and represent AEG Europe as an ‘employer representative’ on the London Accord Employers Coalition board (an employer-facing government initiative set up to enhance employment and skills provision for those furthest away from the labour market. The LEAC has a minimum target of helping an additional 5,000 people into jobs by 2012). Finally, Genevieve was a finalist in the CQI UK Quality Business Leader of the Year Award 2008.


Future shows

I’d like to start broadcasting these interviews every couple of weeks, so look out for future shows.  And if you think that you’ve got something important to say on HR and talent management, then do get in touch.



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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