Making meetings more exciting?


    There was some interesting research out a few weeks ago from Epson and CEBR suggesting that the average UK office worker wastes 2 hours and 39 minutes in meetings every week.

  • £26 billion: the amount lost from UK economy through time wasted in meetings in 2011
  • 2 hours 39 minutes: the number of hours workers feel are wasted in meetings during an average week
  • 49 minutes: the number of wasted minutes in meetings not made up for later
  • 10 hours or over: the amount of time one in five senior managers and directors say they spend in meetings per week
  • 11 minutes: the average amount of time it takes for people’s attention to drift in a meeting.


Nothing too surprising about any of this, other than perhaps how low some of them are (people concentrate in meetings for 11 minutes at a stretch – really???).

Anyway, I’ve got an article in Management Today providing some suggestions for dealing with this problem.  The last one’s my favourite!

  • Dispense with chairs
  • Get social
  • Opting out
  • Avoid technology blunders
  • Water cooler culture
  • Be bold with timings
  • Get creative with locations
  • Weapons of mass distraction
  • Use professional facilitation
  • Better biscuits


There’s a bit more detail on Management Today.


Picture credit: Crowne Plaza lays fresh grass carpets


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