4 years on


   Last month marked 4 years of my blogging and an opportunity to reflect on how this blog is going.   I had therefore intended to note the anniversary last month but never quite got round to it.  But then I had this comment on my blog:

“The reason you need agencies is because you are spending all your time telling everyone about how clever you are.”


Errm.  I’m not too sure about the comment re the agencies, but what do you think about the clever thing?

The anonymous commenter may have been influenced by me writing about my ‘bigger brain’?  Well if so, I’d like to emphasise that this was only because I wanted to be transparent with you about why I write this blog.

Or it may have been because I do quite a lot of posting about about my speaking around the world, but that’s because I want to meet you, and hope you’ll come to some of the same things that I do.

Or I suppose it may have been down to me telling you about some of the other things I’ve been doing, eg my contribution to this book.  But I only do this if I think it’s something that you might be interested in(you read this blog so you may like some of the other things I’ve been writing too).

Or perhaps because I do quite often post about how well this blog, and sometimes I as a blogger, are perceived.  But I can’t really help it if I keep getting recognised!  And I think sharing these recognitions is appropriate, don’t you? - I’m sure your usual newspaper (if you still read one) would let you know if they were to win a newspaper or journalist award – well I’m doing exactly the same thing.


And perhaps I am just the teeniest bit proud of how well this blog’s done, and even, can I say?, of the originality and quality of thinking which supports it (I do offer insight based consultancy after all!).  So the anonymous commenter has probably got a point and I’ll try to keep indications of my cleverness toned down!

But if there’s anything else you’d like to see: more about this, less about that, longer, shorter, whatever it may be, do please let me know.  I’m keen to continue to develop this blog, and keep it fresh as well as hopefully insightful.  So I’d be really interested in knowing more about your views.

And I hope you’ll keep on reading as we enter into year 5.  Do remember, if you’ve not done so, that you can subscribe to this blog in a RSS reader, or have posts sent to you by email too.



  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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