#SRConf: Matt Jeffery on Recruitment 4.0


  Just before lunch we had a panel featuring Matt Jeffery, head of EMEA Talent Acquisition at Autodesk; Lisa Scales at Tribepad and others.  Matt and Lisa had a good debate about the future of recruiting agencies (not good! – why would you pay a huge fee to an agency when you can use Linkedin etc yourself).

But the thing which really caught my attention was Matt’s thoughts on ‘recruitment 4.0’, an update on his piece about recruitment 3.0 a couple of weeks ago (how quickly things change in this space!).

Actually I think the number thing’s a nonsense, but I agree completely with Matt’s thoughts:

Recruiting needs to move from a cost centre to profit centre.  The focus of recruiting is now on communities and target audiences.  There are opportunities to use these communities outside recruitment eg we should be cross charging our marketing teams to use in promoting to our communities, and looking for other organisations to market to our communities too.  Eg mobile is key, and gamification too – we should be making content so rich that people will pay for a download.

And OK, we know internal referrals are important, but we should be looking to develop our external communities for external referrals too.


Actually, it’s the leveraging of communities that I’m interested in – I’m less fussed about cross-charging.  For one thing, the opportunities should span both ways, eg one of the attendees at my recruiting workshop in Barcelona two weeks ago talked about the opportunity to build on a company’s focus on open innovation to use it’s external network for idea generation as a primary source for recruitment as well.  It really doesn’t matter which way round the cross charging works, but I think Matt is absolutely right to highlight the importance of ‘community’ - ie managing relationships with people outside the company, who in some way provide some of a company’s ‘human resource’.


Also see my posts on Matt’s last SRConf presentation (while at Electronic Arts), and my other social recruiting posts (including more on SRConf this and last year) here.




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