The New Social Influencers


   I’ve had this article published in HR Magazine to support the upcoming Connecting HR unconference, and also in response to the magazine’s list of UK HR influencers which I thought was total rubbish, to be frank (eg including Dave Gartenburg from Microsoft who returned to Seattle two years ago.  Duh!).


Who are the new influencers?


Publicising the article @HRMagazine asked Who are the new HR 'influencers' in the blogosphere?  Which sort of suggests they didn’t actually read the article before publishing it, because what I tried to argue was that the new, social influencers are people who influence in a social way (through relationships), not just those that use social media.  But anyway.


So who are these influencers?

Well, I’d suggest that the list (or un-list – read the article) should include people like:


  • Marc Weedon for the management of his International HR linkedin group
  • Mike Morrison for his support of the CIPD Members linkedin group (the UK’s largest online HR community)
  • Steve Bridger for his role as the official CIPD community manager
  • Natalia Alexandrou for some sterling CIPD tweeting in an organisation that quite frankly doesn’t get it




  • Theo HRD for his growing reputation as the international man of HR mystery
  • Nicholas Creswell for his global employment rebranding for Thomson Reuters
  • Flora Marriott for unconferencing at Yell
  • Jon Weedon for leading the socialisation of the Internal Communication profession


I suppose you could make a case for the inclusion of local CIPD group members, but I’m going to keep them off, largely because many of them don’t do much to grow community (there are probably a few exceptions – the local equivalents of Steve Browne in Ohio).


The really interesting thing about the above list is that most of these people are involved in Connecting HR!

This should make for a great unconference on Thursday, and I think provides justification for us taking on the role of identifying a new list of social, or maybe simply ‘real’, influencers at the unconference.


If you’re not at the event but you want to submit your suggestions for new influencers in UK HR, tweet us on Thursday 21st using the hashtags #chru #nihr.

You can also email, also referring to #chru #nihr, and keep your message short!



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