Bringing HR to the forefront at your organisation?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 by Franklin Bros
One of the other conferences I won’t be going to this Autumn is the CIPD’s conference in November.
It’s partly because I went last year and partly because I’ve not been invited to speak. But it’s also because I’m fairly unimpressed with the conference programme.
I’ve been asking about what the CIPD’s going to do with social media for three years now and the answer’s still, not a lot. This stands out increasingly strongly in comparison to SHRM which has taken easily to social HR. And I don’t see how you can truly put HR to the forefront of an organisation’s agenda in today’s environment without dealing with with this agenda.
Of course, just like last year, the subject is not totally absent, but also, just like last year, you need to search carefully to find it.
So, there is this session with Charlie Johnston from Cisco which I think will be excellent:
The challenge >> New technology and new ways of working require organisations to be flexible and able to adapt to the changing needs of the new world of work. What is HR’s role in driving strategic change, and how can HR take ownership of these changes to ensure business success? The journey >> Discover how HR drove a strategic transformation at Cisco and implemented key changes to improve the way employees work through large-scale technological advancement and a decentralised approach to managing their people. The outcome >> An organisation that has moved from a traditional command and control management style to a more collaborative approach through embracing new technology that supports a more flexible way of working. Employees are empowered to work efficiently, productively and in a way that meets their needs and those of the organisation. |
But there doesn’t seem to be anything about social HR than this.
Other than the absence of social HR, there doesn’t seem to be that much that deals with HR’s other strategic opportunities. I will just point to this session with Hugh Mitchell from Shell though which would definitely have been a highlight for me.
The challenge>> How do HR functions move from delivering the agenda to driving it? How does HR demonstrate business leadership skills and gain the credibility to direct strategy? The journey>> Following the appointment of a new CEO, Shell has undergone a radical transformation. At the forefront of directing and driving this transformation was the HR department. The outcome>> Understanding how HR can take a primary role in driving transformation and shaping organisational strategy. |
The other reason I’m not going to be going is that there sounds like there’s going to be something especially exciting about social HR / HR 2.0 at the second Enterprise 2.0 conference in Santa Clara this year (see my posts on the first conference in Boston).
Keep tuned for more on this.
Of course if you do want to know more about social HR but you’re in the UK or Europe and don’t want to travel to the US, you could consider signing up for Connecting HR on 21st October. Then I’ll also be speaking on HR and social media at the HR Director’s Business Summit in January next year.
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