Presenting in an online world (Talking HR 028)


   Tomorrow I’m going to be keynoting at Kenexa’s European Summit.

It’s a face-to-face rather than an online / social media presentation, but it’s a presentation about social media, so I was thinking back to our last Talking HR podcast on presenting in an online / social world:

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This show was a triggered by my question in the previous one, about how presenting changes, either when presenting online, or when presenting f2f but there’s lot’s of social media stuff going on as well (eg incorporating the twitter backchannel).

However, as I’ll be talking about tomorrow, I think the social world is  much bigger thing than just a world which uses social media.  It’s one in which ‘social’ is important – ie one in which we need to put value on connecting, relationships, conversations and so on.

The most important thing in this new world isn’t anything to do with social media, it’s about being social.  And the one thing we forgot to talk about on the show, in terms of presenting f2f, is allowing time to be social.  For Q&A; for conversations over coffee before and after a talk; and for just being around.

It’s why I think it’s increasingly dissonant for presenters to stroll in and stroll out again as soon as they’ve finished speaking (often protected by minders).  And of course, it’s particularly incongruent if they’re talking about social media / management 2.0 (Gary Hamel at al take note). 

It’s why I’ll be at the Kenexa conference all day tomorrow.  I hope to meet some of you, dear readers, there.



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  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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