More on HR Influencing


CVtweet   One of my last posts of last year noted my selection as one of the top 25 online influencers in HR.

I also meant to note why I was pleased to be included in this list.

Looking at the list of people who have been included, I am not the most connected or most social (I don’t tend to get that many comments on this blog for example, and don’t often comment on other people’s) and I’m not the most interested or able in the use of social media.

What I think I do have compared to some of the people on this list is a very clear view about how HR can be different.

Don’t get me wrong – I recognise that all 25 influencers have a clear point of view either on the whole of HR or within their own areas – it’s very difficult for anyone to blog successfully unless they have a POV which allows them to be opinionated and passionate about their perspectives.

But what I provide in addition is a clear and coherent theory about how HR can be more strategic, have more impact and gain more credibility.  This is based on:

  • The need to create value
  • The role of organisational capability
  • Use of the HCM value triangle and value chain
  • HR’s role as a strategic partner.


These ideas are discussed in detail in my book and underpin all my posting here.  However, I’ve never really outlined them in detail in my blog.  During the rest of January, I’m going to post on these basic HCM concepts (as well as other topics) and show how they fit together to provide a unified theory of HCM.  I’ll also emphasise why some of these ideas are very different to those in the prevailing mindset of HR.

During the rest of the year, I’ll continue to post on various applications of, and practical experiences in the use of, this theory.

And I’ll also try to further increase my influence by becoming more connected, commenting on other people's blogs etc, and extending my interest in other social media applications (and just to note, I do really value all the comments I receive here).  Maybe I’ll even be able to get on some other most influential lists as well?

But the real reason I’m seeking to increase my influence, and why I’m pleased with the influence I already have, is that I do honestly and passionately believe that HCM can make a big difference to HR’s efficacy and effectiveness.  And if I’m developing more influence, then hopefully more of my ideas about HCM are being picked up and are helping in the ongoing transformation of HR.

Here’s to 2010 being a transformational year for us all!




  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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