Helping you create Next Generation HR


   In my last post, I described my ‘ideal’ process for human capital / talent / workforce / HR planning.  I also explained that the actual process I would hope to use with a client would depend upon their particular situation: strategy, context, challenges and opportunities etc.

I think it also depends upon their views about Next Generation HR, which I’d define as the way in which they believe HR can best create value for their organisation.

As I explained in my review of the CIPD’s session on Next Generation HR, I think there’s a variety of options available to organisations here.  To me, Next Generation HR is about continuing the movement towards best fit, so whereas the current generation of HR practice is about all moving together towards one view about effective HR practice, the next generation will be more differentiated – and more focused on the particular ways that HR can add and create most value in your particular organisation.

So I’ve put up a quiz on my blog to get more input on which of these you think will be the basis for Next Generation HR for you and your organisation.  These are the results so far:


Option Response

Sustainable Organisational Performance (from the CIPD’s Next Gen HR research)

  2 (28%)

Human Capital Management (accumulating human capital)

  4 (57%)

The Social Business (accumulating social capital, including through the use of social media)

  2 (28%)

Behavioural HR - using the insights of neuroscience to change HR’s, managers’ and employees’ decision making processes and activities

  2 (28%)

Externally focused HR - developing a role outside the organisation

  1 (14%)

Green HR- developing a tie-in with ethics and CSR

  1 (14%)

HR 2.0 - the use of social media tools within HR (social recruitment, social learning etc)

  1 (14%)

Imagination based HR

  0 (0%)

Evidence (measurements and analytics) based HR

  3 (42%)

Strengths Based HR - a focus on talents and appreciation etc.

  2 (28%)


  1 (14%)


I’m obviously pleased to see HCM taking an early lead, but disappointed to see imagination based HR, one of my personal favourites, falling behind already!.  However, I’m after your views here – you’ve probably had enough of mine.

So please do select your personal favourite option(s) from the list – and if you’re voting for the ‘other’ category, perhaps add a comment to this post and let me know what you think I’ve missed.


Human Capital Planning

Reviewing which of these options make best sense for you is part of my Human Capital Planning process too.

I’ll describe more about this process, and how I can support it, in my next post.





  • Consulting - Research - Speaking  - Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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