The role of Recruitment in Integrated Talent Management


   I’ve posted recently on ‘The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management’ which I’ve contributed a chapter to, and also more specifically on the contribution of learning & development within this integration.

This post moves onto the chapters focusing on the integration of hiring / recruitment talent acquisition.  First up is a typically insightful chapter from John Sullivan who lists the main consequences of poor integration to include:

  • Delay in process cycle time
  • Increase in error rates
  • Mass duplication of effort
  • Limited process improvement or innovation
  • Lack of accountability.


He suggests that the five main direct relationships needed for recruitment are compensation (my chapter, which I’ll review next), onboarding, relocation, new hire training and global recruiting.  There are then eight indirect relationships: leadership development and succession, workforce planning, performance management, offboarding, retention, the innovation function, merger and acquisition teams and shared skills functions (temporary reassignments during slack periods).  I’d argue with the placement of these (leadership development, workforce planning and performance management seem like quite direct relationships to me) but it’s still a good list.

I also don’t like the piece on ‘anticipate resistance’ as I think we need to do more than this.  But it’s a good, informative chapter that sets things up nicely for the practitioner piece.  This is by Leslie Joyce at Novelis.

Most of the chapter is actually about recruitment, rather than integration, but that’s a small point, and the stuff about recruiting is very good.

I particularly like Leslie’s ‘brilliant exercise (her opinion, but I’d agree) comparing the decision making involved in buying a new car to that in taking on a new hire.  And this is supported by a six step process for effective recruitment:

  • Identify the talent acquisition strategy that best supports your business strategy
  • Create a compelling employment value proposition that clearly states what is different about your organisation versus others than top talent might consider
  • Capture the employment value proposition in a memorable employment brand that simply states what makes your organisation a great choice
  • Translate the employment brand into a talent brand that clearly articulates the calibre of talent working for your organisation
  • Determine the most productive channels to the talent you want
  • Measure your success.


It’s a sound process though I don’t agree that an employment brand is a tagline and don’t like the distinction between talent and employer brands – to me, the whole employer band should be based on talent anyway.  I also wouldn’t label job boards as innovative web-based processes.  And the difference between tactical measures and strategic measures isn’t one of time perspective – this is just about lead and lag.  The real difference is about contribution to competitive advantage, but lots of people get confused about this – eg this post on John Boudreau’s measures of efficiency and effectiveness.

Joyce does finally move onto the secret sauce of total integration and alignment of all the talent management efforts within the organisation and suggests there are two critical areas to this:

  • Alignment between the organisation brand and talent brand (in my terms, there’s an alignment around the organisation’s mojo)
  • Alignment between the talent brand and the organisation’s search and development processes.



This then takes us back to the same sort of partnering requirements discussed by Sullivan before, which in Joyce’s view are that:

  • Job descriptions and position postings reflect the characteristics of the talent brand
  • The ATS is optimally configured and functional to ensure that candidate management is proactive and comprehensive
  • Website information reinforces both the organisation and talent brand
  • Onboarding and assimilation processes reflect and make real the promises of opportunity made by the value proposition and the brand
  • Training and development tools and programmes are clear and support career development and growth.


So there you go – now you know.  But if you want to know more, do buy the book as well!



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READ MORE - The role of Recruitment in Integrated Talent Management

Best global HR conferences


   I may not often comment on other peoples’ blogs, but I do read a lot of them.  My favourite post last week was Informa Group HR Director Alison Chisnell’s report on the HR Forum in Lisbon which made me think this was one event I should try to get to  (ie present at) one year.

As it so happens, I have recently provided one of my contacts with a list of what I consider to be the best HR conferences (core HR vs recruitment, L&D etc) around the world, and should probably add the HR Forum to that.

Anyway, I thought I would share the list with you as well, and would be really interested in your other recommendations too:


CIPD Annual Conference
Still the main event in the UK, with increasing focus on social media, if not yet the social business.  Don’t miss the tweet-up!
HR Director Business Summit (also the Pan European HR Forum)

A fair bit smaller than the CIPD conference, but definitely punching well above its weight and introducing new innovations year after year (eg, next year - the integrated unconference sessions that I’ll be chairing).
The unconferences (ConnectingHR, HRevolution)
Then there’s the real unconferences.  My contact wanted plenty of insight, but also good conversation – and if that’s what you want, then these are the places to go!
SHRM Annual Conference OK, I’m only guessing here as I’ve never been to this as it’s too big a trip without being asked to speak, or sponsored to blog etc.  Shame because SHRM merged its international conference into the annual conference some years back, but it’s still a highly US-centric event.
HCI Annual Summit
I’ve not been out to this conference for a few years though I have attended virtually.  It’s a good event, and HCI’s tie up with the MIX should ensure ongoing good content.
HR Technology Wow, I had a good time at this.  Whether I enjoy Chicago just as much as I did Vegas (and whether I go to Chicago next year) we’ll just have to see, but this regardless of your role in HR technology, this was a thumbs up event!
HR Technology Europe Nothing to do with the above show, but Europe’s first serious attempt to do something focusing on the strategic use of HR technology.  This year’s conference has a great line up if a rather suspect MC, and I predict great things both in this and in future years.

(It runs on 2nd and 3rd November)
Singapore Human Capital Summit (I also want to try the Hong Kong Institute event) Breaking out of Europe and jumping over the Middle East (though Fleming Gulf’s events are pretty good), we arrive at Singapore for this premier event.  Not to be missed if you’re in Asia (or even like me, if you’re not).
Australia National Convention I’ve not been to this event, but how could I say no if I ever got the offer?
Linkage OD I missed this one out but my client mentioned it, and although I’ve not attended it, I know a few people who have, and they’ve all raved about it too – so Linkage must be doing something right.
Bersin Impact conference And a heads up to China Gorman for reminding me that I missed this one too, which I shouldn’t have done – particularly as I attended virtually last year, and was pretty much bowled over by the quantity and quality of insight.
? So, what else?

Eg I obviously don’t get to South America or Africa as much as I would like, so what are the main programmes here?


Interestingly, I’ve now spoken at a good proportion of, though by know means all these events - even of those I’ve attended fairly regularly – eg the CIPD are stlll keeping me me off the platform at their annual conference for some reason, though they are letting me get involved in delivering a twitterversity session as one of the interactive gatherings in the exhibition this year.

It’s not going to help me share many insights with people, but it’ll be good fun, and I’ll get to meet lots of people – over a few feet of interweb, if not in real life!

Including you maybe?



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READ MORE - Best global HR conferences

#CHRU3 #ConnectingHR Unconference: Human-Centric Recruiting


    I skipped most of our unconference yesterday – partly because I had a couple of meetings and really wanted to attend the Workplace Trends conference too.  And partly because ConnectingHR is a community, and the community is now running the unconferences, which is the way it should be.  This is still one of my favourite events, but I don’t have to be there now.

But I do still feel a strong attachment to the event (and even more so the community) so I wanted to blog something about it, even though I wasn’t there.  I asked a few people about what the main themes, issues, conclusions, agreements had been, and got a few snippets about different things, but nothing that bloggable.  Martin Couzins summed it up well – blogging from unconferences is really difficult because the whole day is so random and varied (that’s why I did a storify from HREvolution a few weeks back).

But the session that got people’s greatest engagement was clearly the one where the Spring brought in graduates who’d be unemployed for the last year to talk about their experience at the sharp end of the HR / Recruiting stick.  You can see Martin’s interview with one of them here.  The issue was clearly that recruiting is a bit of a one-way deal.  HR gets to sit back, choose who it wants, treat candidates as it wants to, and unless the get a job, the grads don’t get much back in return – certainly very little feedback which might actually help them get a job elsewhere.

Then there was a group session later on suggesting that we need for H for Human in the term HR (also see the picture from the tablecloth used during the world cafe session).  Michael Carty has blogged on this here.  That’s the key for me – it’s about respect and mutuality, and it applies across the whole area of HR, not just recruitment.


Human-Centric Workplace Design

It’s even largely what we were talking about at Workforce Trends, though I prefer human-centric to user-centric design.

It was obviously another good day, and in a way I regret attending Workplace Trends – don’t get me wrong: there was lots of great insight there, but there’s only so much a traditional conference format can achieve.

The good news is that we’re looking at getting Workplace, HR plus IT, OD, Communication and all the other professional functions together for an unconference next year – what this – and that – space.


Human-Centric HR Technology

Also look at for a post on human-centric use of HR technology, supporting the HR Technology Europe conference on 2nd and 3rd November.



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READ MORE - #CHRU3 #ConnectingHR Unconference: Human-Centric Recruiting

#Onrec and Recruitment 3.0 / 4.0


   I was at Onrec (UK) on Wednesday – where I finally won an ipad at the exhibition! – thanks to ClearChoiceCareers.

There were some good sessions, including an impressive review of Work 4 Us by Stephane Le Viet, and a challenging panel chaired by Matt Alder.  But I was most intrigued to see a slide in the presentation from Eilish Henson at Wood Mackenzie referencing their potential move to ‘recruitment 3.0 – 4.0: talent mapping and new online networking approaches to tap into passive talent pool’.

This of course is a reference to the recent article by Matthew Jeffery ideas on recruitment 3.0 and 4.0 and the fact that Eilish didn’t reference this is testament to the success of Matthew’s proposition.  But the fact that the article has ‘gone viral’ doesn’t necessarily mean that the points it was making were necessarily right.  So I thought I’d comment on the aspects of Matthew’s ideas about recruitment 3.0 / 4.0 that I agree with, and those that I don’t (something I’ve been meaning to do for some time).

And firstly, I need to state that I think the 3.0 and 4.0 is frankly daft, and also unhelpful – partly because assigning an endless string of numbers to anything is unlikely to help much.  2.0 (web 2.0, enterprise 2.0, HR 2.0 and yes, even recruitment 2.0) means something specific in terms of being a transformational change involving social ways of interacting – but lets leave it there.  Also if Matt’s recruitment 1.0 and 2.0 ‘are fundamentally focused on the active job seeker’, then they’re not fundamentally different, so they’re just different versions (1.0 and 1.1 perhaps) of the same thing.

Same thing with recruitment 3.0 which is concerned with  ‘the non-active / passive individual and a focus on best talent… engaged, two-way, free conversation based, transparent communities… mapping key competitors and seducing cream-of-the-crop talent with your brand and in-house opportunities’ and 4.0 which builds on this to move recruiting from being a cost centre to a profit centre.  Matt’s 3.0 is clearly a step change from his 1.0 and 2.0 but I just don’t see 4.0 as a further transformation.  Plus of course, it’s also possible to make recruitment 1.0 / 1.1 into a profit centre if it’s good enough for someone else to want to get involved in it.  So to me, these are both simply aspects of recruitment 2.0.

However, Matthew does outline some interesting shifts in the nature of recruitment.

Firstly, the idea of recruitment contributing directly to profit one is interesting, and is something that all professional functions within an organisation should work towards.  The idea that this contribution be through the value of an organisation’s talent pools is particularly interesting, however I don’t think it’s a very serious proposition given that 1.  recruitment is likely to need marketing / customer services / open innovation’s contacts more than these functions will need recruitment’s talent pools, 2. any contribution is more likely to be to market value rather than profitability (eg ‘companies like Zynga, Facebook and Linkedin have massive valuations, well above their profitability margins’) and this contribution is likely to be dwarfed by the value provided by the internal talent pool that has already been recruited.

I absolutely do think these external relationships are the key difference between recruitment 1.0 and 2.0 however.  In the panel, Felix Wetzel from Jobsite suggested that mobile is much bigger than social, and that if you’re not doing either, you should do social first. I agree that mobile is providing a big impact - and also support the other other panellist that social, mobile etc are all coming together - but I don’t believe mobile (communication vs consumption) is qualitatively different from what has come before, in the way that social is.

As I’ve posted previously, what I’m not convinced about is that these relationships will necessarily lead to full community, but I don’t consider this to detract from the importance of relationships.  And I also think community development is a great strategy where this is feasible, eg if you have a particularly strong employer brand – which is why, where possible, you should try to establish your own communities, rather than join in with those that already exist.

I also like Matthew’s suggestion that recruitment needs to extend its focus from internal employee referrals to external referrals: ‘crowdsourcing using their communities’ (or just relationships) – a sort of 2.0 squared (but still not 3.0).

There’s a few other things I’d argue with you, including the role of gaming (I think games like My Marriott Hotel are superb but this isn’t the same as trying to make a ‘boring’ process like recruitment more interesting by dressing it up as a game.

But that’s probably enough.  In conclusion, there are some good ideas here, and I think Wood Mackenzie would do well to consider them as part of its strategy.  Just don’t call it recruitment 3.0 / 4.0!


Also see:



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READ MORE - #Onrec and Recruitment 3.0 / 4.0

HR and Social Media, South Africa


   More HR & social media related training today – in Birmingham (UK).  And nothing personal against Birmingham (recently voted Europe’s least sexiest city) – but I am probably looking forward more to the next session I’ll be doing in Johannesburg, South Africa.


If you’re in South Africa, I hope you may be able to come along to the session (or if you’ve got colleagues there, you can prod them!).  You can get booking details from  I’ll also probably fly down a couple of days early, so if you want to meet up and talk about something else, we should be able to do that too.



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READ MORE - HR and Social Media, South Africa

HR, learning and integration


   Since I’m on the topic of training / learning and also integration, and also my disagreements!, I thought I would pick up on something I had meant to post on back in the Summer.

This is a tweet from June’s Learning and Skills Group conference, suggesting that Learning needs to be extracted out from underneath the dead hand of HR (OK, I’m elaborating slightly) to be put at the heart of organisational strategy.

Now, I’m absolutely sure there was a positive intent to this.  For one thing, the conference had been discussing how people are increasingly the basis for competitive advantage (something I completely support) and I think the tweeter was responding to this.  I also agree that through its focus on capability, L&D is much more directly aligned with this competitive advantage than much of HR.

But that doesn’t stop the suggestion being absolutely wrong – in fact it’s just about the opposite of what we need to do.

The need is to integrate rather than separate, and this can be achieved in two ways:

  • By integrating type of activity across learning AND the rest of HR.  Ie whatever approaches are used in learning, these are going to be best supported if similar approaches are used in eg recruiting too.  So social learning is going to be most effective if social media has been used within recruitment, and therefore the organisation employs a high proportion of social media savvy employees.
  • More importantly, by integrating on the same outcome – human and social capital etc, whether this is focused on speed, innovation or whatever.  Ie an organisation is only going to gain competitive advantage if HR AND learning etc are focused on this same outcome – learning can’t do it on its own.


This need for integration is of course, the focus of ‘the Executive Guide to Talent Management’ too, and you can read more about my perspectives on activity and outcome based integration there.


By the way, also see my (much) earlier post on HR and Diversity – the same arguments also apply to Learning, and to Recruiting, Internal Communication etc (and even Workplace Design etc) too.


And Don, this is what I’d talk about if you put me back on the platform at the Learning Technologies conference next year.  Ie, that once organisations have introduced social learning tools, it’s going to make sense for them to introduce similar tools into recruitment, performance, recognition etc too.  So Learning practitioners don’t just need to understand social learning, they need to understand the full spectrum of social HR activities as well.


There are couple of other things on Learning that I’ve been meaning to pick up this week, but I’ve run out of time.  Next week I’m at Onrec (the UK vs the US version) and will be posting on Recruitment most of the week.

I’ll come back to learning again later on…  In the meanwhile, have a good weekend!



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READ MORE - HR, learning and integration

Training Zone – Learning and OD


   I’ve had this article published in TrainingZone – looking at the increasing integration of Learning & Development, Organsiation Development etc, post my attendance at the recent CIPD OD conference.  Take a look? (free subscription required):

Review: the CIPD’s organisation development conference


My OD conference posts:



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READ MORE - Training Zone – Learning and OD

#HRTechConf – minus three thumbs


   I mentioned in my opening to my session on HR 2.0 that I thought there had been a bit too much agreement on things during the conference (particularly in Jason Averbook’s and Naomi Bloom’s love-in), and said that I’d try to be clear about what I did, and didn’t agree with (since doing this would help people decide whether to support my model of HR 2.0).

And I did refer to some of these disagreements during my presentation (where they linked to my inputs), but ran out of time to do all. So here is my personal summary of the conference, provided through a list of what I agreed and disagreed (‘unagreed’ is probably. the new social media word) with.

Again – this should help you consider whether you support my views about HR (and maybe even challenge your own):


HR being more like the rest of the business

I though John Boudreau gave a good and well-argued presentation, but I don’t agree with much of what he said.  HR does need to improve it’s credibility in the business, but this doesn’t mean that dressing HR like the rest of the business is necessarily going to be a good thing.

It’s why I think the greatest value from HR comes from focusing on employees, rather than on the business.

And it’s why, whilst agreeing that measurement tools used by the business may provide value for HR (or business leaders’ management of their people), I don’t think we shouldn’t take that as granted.  Tools should be judged on their value to inform decision making.  And if we need to educate business leaders to use HR based tools then that’s what we need to do.

Measurement being the key to HR

There was a lot of twitter at the conference about measurement, some of which I agreed with, but a lot of which I didn’t.  For example. “You can manage by walking around, but you can't measure by walking around."  Well, you sort of can, and I think you probably need to too.

Jac Fitz-Enz gave a good summary of how HR activities can be measured (some supervisor training resulting in a 16.6% improvement over 6 months) but this was pretty transactional stuff.  The more we focus on stuff that really drives our businesses, eg passion, the more difficult it is to measure in objective terms.

Particularly for the social capital stuff I was describing in my session… yes, you can measure this through organisational mechanisms, eg social network analysis, but you can also measure it in human terms eg through team pictures or team sculpting.  Or you can also measure it socially – ie by conversation – walking (and talking) around.

Take this quote about Greg Dyke, while he was at the BBC from his Head of Learning there (and included in my HCM book): “Greg had almost blind faith in the programme. It was almost build it and they will come. Evaluation was still important and ROI would have
been interesting but Greg wasn’t that sort of a person. It wasn’t that he
wasn’t interested. He was very interested in how much it was costing us.  But he just knew that this had to be the thing to do. He would ask, ‘Can
anybody think of a good reason why not to do it?’ He would say he
could walk round the BBC and talk to a few people and that would tell
him better than any evaluation whether the programme was working or not

Absolutely.  Objective measurement has an important role to play in improving HR, but let’s not try to pretend it’s the answer to everything.

HR being about driving the trains

Laurie Ruettimann and Oliver Marks had a good debate (with some actual disagreement) in the social media panel, and I have to side with Oliver’s views on the importance of Enterprise 2.0.

Laurie suggested she always takes the view of the majority of HR people who keep the trains running.  Which they do – but if that’s all they do, we’ll never get the available benefits from social media – or more social approaches.  (Actually the same criticism applies to most E2.0 practitioners too – which is why Forrester concludes that the most common benefit achieved from E2.0 systems is reduced travel costs – yawn!).

Plus there’s a really good role for HR technology here – keeping the trains running / doing operational HR.  If people want to keep a job in HR in the future, they need to keep thinking and acting more strategically.

A strategic view to HR and social media / social approaches is important as that’s how we’ll get to HR 2.0.

The future of HR technology being apps for the workforce

I don’t really want to add even more agreement to Jason’s and Naomi’s ‘debate’, but I’m going to have to do so.

Jason explained that the combination of social and collaboration are leading to the development of talent management 2.0, and that we therefore need to think about this differently.

I think that’s absolutely right – talent management, or HR 2.0, if it’s to mean anything, has to be transformationly different to HR 1.0, and that difference has to be about social collaboration.

The social network changes talent management

I’m cheating slightly on this one, because yes, of course, it does.  But, despite loving Jim Holincheck’s presentation on ‘Face-Linked’, I can’t help but feel we’re focusing on the wrong change.

Matthew Hanwell summed it well for me – the session / conference assumed that people will still be working for large organisations in 2020 and that we’ll be recruited into them.  Maybe, but I think increasingly not.

Social technology is going to have an impact, but the changing sociology of organisation is going to be more profound.


Please don’t get me wrong – I may have shown less thumbs up than down, but this is about disagreement not dislike, and in any case I always tend to disagree most strongly with those things / people I feel most closely connected to.  In addition, this was definitely a great (thumbs up) conference  and I really hope to attend again one / next year…


My other posts:



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READ MORE - #HRTechConf – minus three thumbs


   Despite all the wonderful content, my favourite part of the HR Technology (as is always the case with conferences) was meeting lots of new people, and catching up with existing contacts.

Actually, I probably get a bit less of a buzz out of this than I used to – I remember the days in which meeting a solo blogger used to practically blow my mind.  But now, particularly with conferences like HR Technology, and unconferences like HRevolution and Connecting HR, I’ve got so used to seeing.. what, maybe 50 bloggers I know in the same room, that I’ve got spoilt.

But one chance meeting that did still give me that same high was the one with Kevin Oakes.  Kevin is CEO of the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) which is an organisation I highly respect (you’ll find lots of commentary of various research studies of theirs on this blog).  But Kevin is also the co-editor of the recently published book from i4CP and ASTD, The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent Management.

I’m a big fan of this book (and therefore of Kevin) for at least three reasons:

  • Integration is a big thing – for example, a lot of the conversation at HR Technology has been around integrated talent management technology which is great – I believe this technology can make a powerful difference to you, but you do actually need to integrate your talent management processes first.
  • The book is a great read
  • It includes a chapter from me (alongside others from eg David Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, Peter Cappelli, Noel Tichy and Ed Lawler).


The book starts of with a foreword from Tom Rath which I think you can skip as this focuses on Gallup’s ‘people leave managers’ thing which I think is 1. wrong, 2. irrelevant here.

But it starts to get going with an introduction from Kevin Oakes and Pat Galagan at ASTD.  This points out that the main challenges in integrated talent management has moved on from data integration, so that the required strategies now include:

  • “Make the whole executive team, rather than just a single HR leader, responsible for talent management
  • Ensure that your organisation’s talent management processes are coordinated before implementing technological solutions
  • When selecting technological solutions, proceed with intelligence scepticism (eg start with one or two components instead of the entire suite)
  • Finally, measure talent management, and make sure that these measures are aligned with your business goals.”


I also like the suggestion that each organisation’s version of integrated talent management will potentially involve different HR components, as each will face different talent challenges.  However the book focuses on learning and development as this has a critical role to play in integration: “the chapters that follow highlight how a particular silo or HR function is integrated into the whole of talent management and how it utilises learning and development to be more strategic and productive for the organisation”.  I’ll be reviewing these chapters over the next couple of months.




My other posts from Las Vegas:



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READ MORE - #HRTechconf – meeting Kevin Oakes – and the need for integrated talent management

#HRTechConf / #HRTechEurope - HR Technology in Europe


   There’s just one more session at the HR Technology conference I wanted to comment on – this is the session presented by Ahmed Limam on HR technology in Europe.

Limam noted the impact of the ‘European integration process’, which just served to remind me how much the UK stands outside of this, but many of Limam’s concerns do apply:

  • Competencies loom large: many countries requires them and because your can’t fire someone on a Friday afternoon you need to be able to find a new place for them – meaning that you need to understand their competencies (and if you do this in a cavalier way than the labour courts will strike it down).  Labour unions are powerful and not everything is down to the decisions of management.
  • Processes are not the same eg benefits are driven by law, exit interviews are not part of the culture, companies don’t see the point of onboarding (I don’t see these last two things).
  • Shared services are now extending, particularly out of Ireland (English speaking) and Romania (lower tax rate, labour cost and bilingual)
  • Differences in outsourcing – North and South – the further South you go, the less outsourcing there is, eg Limam estimates about 20-30% of Swiss / France companies outsource payroll, compared to 80-90% of those in Belgium and Denmark.
  • Technology adoption is different.  Companies may be OK to use SAAS for sub-processes but are likely to be more reluctant to put their overall HR technology in the cloud.


I’ll be speaking, and blogging, more about these topics at next month’s HR Technology Europe conference in Amsterdam where I am acting as Master of Ceremonies (note though that although I’m really looking forward to this role, I’m not even going to try to live up to the way Bill Kutick orchestrates the US conference here).  I hope to see some of you (or your European colleagues?) there!



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READ MORE - #HRTechConf / #HRTechEurope - HR Technology in Europe

My Zappos tour


   Just back from Zappos.  Definitely wow!

This is a trip I’ve been wanting to do since seeing Tony Hsieh speak at the HCI Summit in 2009.  I’ve not got much information to add to my previous post, but you can take a look at these:




It’s Customer Service Appreciation Week at Zappos this week and Superman Day today, so we saw lots of Zapponians wearing capes.  And to show my support for Zappos way of working I thought I’d share this photo from HR Technology with you too:



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   Thanks to everyone for attending my session on HR 2.0 this morning.  I’m amazed there was so many of you and apologise for those of you who had to stand at the back.  And I’m pleased the feedback seems to suggest most of you enjoyed it (I did notice a few of you fall asleep, but I hope there are other reasons for that).

Sorry I ran out of time to take you through all the case studies I wanted to – I must admit I hadn’t anticipated taking my introductory inputs to take as long as they did.  However, I do believe that focusing on these was important so that you all understand what all the case studies are about, ie what’s the similarity between them, and also why they are all so different (ie that the choice of social technology and social approaches is so dependent upon the social outcomes you want to create, plus the content you’re working in, and so on).

You’ll also find some of these case studies discussed on this blog (my HR one), and on my other one (my social capital one).  And they’ll all be covered in my book – whenever I manage to complete it!

Sorry also that I ran out of time to have much conversation with you - I even forgot to ask what was going on in Twitter!: 

 Kristen Thane Clark 
Social Networking session w/out mentioning a single social network-truly about interactions, not systems!  
 Yvette Cameron 
Teams are the most important unit of the Biz. Develop individuals so they effectively influence team performance. 
 Alexia Lexy Martin 
 Yvette Cameron 
The HR2.0 challenge: transform HR from focusing on Human Resources to Human Relationships  
 Robert Torio 
: HR 2.0 = Move from Human Resources to Human Relationships
Do we reward teams the same way we recognize and reward individuals? HR 2.0 thought.  
 Yvette Cameron 
Should HR change its language to be more about business or should business change its lang. to be more about people? 
 Organizations have to be human before they become social 
 Kristen Thane Clark 
Ready for  's session to start: HR 2.0 is filling up! 


Anyway, thanks for the questions you did ask.  If you’ve got more questions that I didn’t manage to answer after the end of the session, please jot them down on the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer with a comment on my own – and / or we can follow-up off-line).

And if you’re doing much of this yourselves, I’d love to hear from you – I am still after more case studies for my book.  I’ve got quite a few for the different areas I discuss (ie the various technological, human, organisational and social actions) but only a few of organisations that are putting some of these different activities together.

And stay in touch - @joningham on Twitter, on my different blogs, and maybe even in real-life too, especially if you want any help on implementing HR 2.0 yourselves...


Cross posted on Social Advantage


  • Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing
  • Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
  • Contact me to create more value for your business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


READ MORE - #HRTechConf – my HR 2.0 presentation